In June, we spent a week in Carmel, California with the Hastings family. One of the highlights was the day at the beach playing volleyball, exploring the rocks, and having a bonfire.
We also enjoyed the long and very tiring bike ride to the Lone Cypress. The boys had it easy in the back, although they really didn't enjoy the ride once they woke from their nap.
In July, we spent a week in McCall, Idaho with the King/Thomson family. We stayed in some nice condos, went rafting every day, and spent a couple of days at the lake. Brandon loved getting to know his cousins (especially Landon) and playing at the park and the beach.
It was great for Emily to be with her family, and Carter enjoyed playing frisbee with Grandpa.
On September 20th, Brandon turned one. He loved the baloons, which filled the entire living room, and the soccer ball cake Emily made him (really, though, was there any doubt?).
Halloween was quite fun for us this year, except for the candy that just wouldn't go away. Carter really got into it, Brandon surprisingly had a good time trick-or-treating.
Ok, that gets us to December and I'm running into some technical issues. I'll post some pictures from Carter's birthday and Christmas next week, as well as some other pictures of our boys.
YEAH, YOU POSTED!!! Your boys are so ADORABLE! I love them to peices! It was great to see you guys over Christmas, glad you made the huge treck down to parents. I wish we didn't live sooooo far away from you guys, we really want to come visit your pretty country soon! At least we have reunions right?! Gotta get Nic on that... keep up on the posts so we can all see whats going on with you guys :)
Welcome back to the blogging world! At least you post fun entries when you get around to it. Yahoo for Emily being done!!
Hey, it's your cousin, Courtney here. Nice to see you in the blogging world. So fun to see your boys, we haven't seen you since graduation!!! Looks like life is good. Congrats to Emily!
Congrats Emily for finishing...woohoo. Really cute pictures.
Though I don't post as much as many people (and therefore don't have a whole lot of room to talk), I am glad to see that you guys are back at this. Even though we see you fairly often, sometimes we don't fill each other in on all that we have been up to.
YaY! You're back! I loved seeing all your pictures. I loved the bike ride when Carter is sleeping on Brandon's shoulder rather than vise versa. Too funny. I hope you keep it up, it's a great way to keep in touch. Talking on the phone every other day just isn't enough.
Finally!! After no posts for so long, I kinda gave up on our blog too. But you've inspired me. I will update mine soon. I love all of the pictures of everyone. I miss you guys. Love you!
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